Get rid of all kind of pests in and outside your compound.we use modern pesticides not harmful to human being.our prices are affordable since they are negotiable.please
Get rid of BEDBUGS for good/Pest Control & Fumigation Services
, Nyanza Province
Ad Type : Offering
We are adequately trained & have huge experience following several years in the practice to solve all your pest problems affordably.
We clear bedbugs,bats,rats,roaches
professional approach. However, after infestation, insecticide spraying can be the only solution, the only method that works to get rid of bed bugs is appropriate ins...
Fumigation, Pest control of / for Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Rats, Termites
, Nairobi Area
Ad Type : Offering
tried all kinds of products and have failed even after going for kinds of products including street sold products and even from Agrovet shops!. Now We assure you, imm...
plan on how to get rid of bedbugs in your premises.we have professional exterminator who are ready to interact with you and give you the best solution to the problem ...
r sorry but relax becoz we have solution for u.I do believed bedbugs can be eliminated once complete and I can assure u for that and even my former clients can testify