Presently affordable Bedbugs Experts/Pest Control & Fumigation Service
, Nairobi Area
Ad Type : Offering
We are a registered pest control firm with branches allover kenya.
We are fully aware of all the pests,their life stages and how to effectively clear them.
Call us
Anointed Bedbugs Experts/affordable pest control services eg roaches
Dandora Area I
Ad Type : Offering
We are a registered pests firm with branches allover kenya.
We eliminate all pests in homes farms hotels hospitals industries hostels etc affordably.
Call us anytime
For quality & affordable pest control services,call experts anytime
Ad Type : Offering
We are adequately trained to handle all pests problems affordably but wit acute precision.
Try us anytime you see bedbugs roaches ants mosquitoes snakes rats etc & feel
Chemicals we use are biodegradable aquatic non smelly and environmentally friendly.
Our team of professionals are reliably equipped to handle all your pests challe...