Sony Active Style Stereo Loop-hanger Headphones - Black
Ksh 6,000
, Coast Province
Ad Type : Offering
The in-ear piece of these portable earphones is protected against corrosion.
The headphones also include a detachable clip that you can use to keep the c...
plenty of volume in the studio or in the field. Additionally, the closed design helps eliminate "headphone bleed" when overdubbing in the studio.
The MDR-7506 is an a...
-7506 overview
The MDR-7506 is a staple within the recording, film and live arenas. Due to its low impedance and closed ear design, the headphone does an outstanding j...
Record in Linear PCM (WAV) & MP3 FormatsInternal 4GB Memory & microSD ExpansionOnboard Stereo S-Microphone SystemUp to 1,073 Hours of Recording TimeWide, Focus, & Auto