am selling kikuyu carpet grass at Ksh60 for 2ft by 2ft piece. Kikuyu grass grow and spread s fast. its capable of growing een under harsh climate seasons. its easy to
We sell, supply and plant kikuyu carpet grass at subsided and customer friendly cost,
Kikuyu carpet grass is a lawn that is drought resistant, easy in germination and
Its a two by two feet grass block used in Landscaping, its one of the best type of compound grasses that we have as it has low maintenance. We offer free delivery within
landscaping, compound maintenance, and sell manure, red soil, garden stones, flowers,
Zimbabwe grass, arabica grass, maadi river grass, Bermuda etc.
We also do inst...
We sell Kikuyu carpet grass among other landscaping materials. Size of grass carpet is approx. 2by2 feet. We care about our client and we want to have mutual benefit
i sell clean healthy carpet grass at good prices. in stock is kikuyu grass, arabic grass, paspalum grass and zimbabwe grass. call for order and advice. welcome
.kids need play area, awesome home has beautiful garden. its raining season take advantage. Kikuyu grass is soft,coarse and has bright green colour . low water recovery
shillings.negotiable when buying bulk. services offered ; supply of red soil,various carpet grass, goats manure, fertile loam soil, we do weeds removal and flowers pl...