Bill Tracker: Similar to the Income Tracker we already have. A dashboard feature that lets you see outstanding bills, item receipts, purchase orders and so forth.
THE EVERYTHING HEALTH GUIDE to Addiction and Recovery
Ksh 99
, Nairobi Area
Ad Type : Offering
that many individuals and families have been seriously
damaged by addictions, it is also true that the process of recover y can build strength and character.
Word Wise
Word Wise, available on many popular English language titles, makes it easier to enjoy and quickly understand more challenging books. Short and simple def...
Manage all your daily pharmacy activities using this system
Ksh 53,000
, Central Province
Ad Type : Offering
Human Resource-: A panel for managing employees. It also includes a custom-designed payroll system.
Inventory- :Managing Stock-Find Items, Manage Item...
learn the strategies of one-minute management to save time and increase your productivity whether it be in your business, your home or even managing your children.Â
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 - Tina Seeling. Ebook
Ksh 100
, Nairobi Area
Ad Type : Offering
Major life transitions such as leaving the protected environment of school or starting a new career can be daunting. It is scary to face a wall of choices, knowing that
author, Pastor John Hagee, explores the supernatural connection of certain celestial events to biblical prophecy—and to the future of God’s chosen people and to the n...