I train a variety of I.T and Business courses at individual and corporate levels at an affordable prices.some of the courses i train are: Ms word,PowerPoint,Excel,Access
All Cell Phone Repair courses
Whether you’re interested in starting a phone repair business, or fixing your own phone, Feltech can help you get the job done. From
/living/survival Chinese-3 months course
Business Chinese-6 months course.
Tourism Chinese-6 months course.
Practical Business talk.
Chinese culture.
And soo much more...
Finished high school or done accounting and want to expound your knowledge,think IDS college.Ids college is a christian business college offering the best business
Dedicated Tutor who'll make your children's dreams come true
, Nairobi Area
Ad Type : Offering
Carol Is my name. A student at jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology pursuing an engineering course. i love teaching secondary and primary pupils
Small Business Plans
Project and Business Proposal Writing
Book- Keeping
Statutory Returns Filing
General Accountancy servic...